GRANTS, AWARDS & PRIZES > APLE congress attendance supportAPLE grants for PhD students to attend MedPalyno2019
APLE offers 4 grants of 200 euros each to attend the MedPalyno2019 congress for PhD students, members of APLE. The grant will cover the congress registration (100 euros for students, members of organizing associations) plus 100 euros for travel and/or lodging expenses.
Requirements to apply: - To be member of APLE, or become member and pay the membership fee before to send the application (to become member of APLE: - To be co-author of an abstract of the congress (first authorship will be considered as a merit but it is not compulsory for applying). - To be PhD student (at the deadline of this call).
Candidates should send an e-mail to Amelia V. González Porto, APLE secretary ( , CC: until February 20th, with the following attachments: - Document to prove the condition as PhD student. - Abstract sent to MedPalyno2019 with the candidate as co-author. - Short CV (1-2 pages). |