GRANTS, AWARDS & PRIZES > Prizes and awards

The Idex Bordeaux, the Excellence Initiative of the University of Bordeaux, and the Revue de Micropaléontologie will offer 4 prizes of 250 :

-          2 Best Oral Communication Awards for Young Researchers at the MedPalyno 2019 congress, one in Aeropalynology/Morphology – Pollen biology, Biochemistry/ Melissopalynology and one in Paleopalynology

-          2 Best Poster Communication Awards for Young Researchers at the MedPalyno 2019 congress, one in Aeropalynology/Morphology – Pollen biology, Biochemistry/ Melissopalynology and one in Paleopalynology

All Ph.D and Master students presenting an communication as first author will be eligible for the Idex Bordeaux awards. The student presentations will be judged by an Evaluation Committee consisting of members of the MedPalyno scientific committee including representatives of the APLF, APLE and GPP-SBI associations. Idex prizes will be granted based on the presentation’s clarity and scientific significance.

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